Corporate Health

This month we are highlighting CORPORATE HEALTH! At Advanced Medical of Florida, we provide resources for companies who want to ensure their teams are healthy while reducing their risk of future injuries.

corporate health

In recent years, a more sedentary lifestyle for many Americans has caused a rise in diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Declining overall health costs corporations in terms of reduced productivity and attendance. It is our goal to reduce those costs by improving overall employee health.

Local employers have utilized us for on-site ergonomic assessments and workshops to ensure work stations are set up properly. We can also administer take-home exercises that help reduce the risk of future injuries like carpal tunnel, neck pain, back pain, and common types of tendinitis.

We have also been requested to participant in corporate health fairs. We provide free thermography scans and no-charge consultations with our doctors on-site at the health fairs.

Most major workers’ compensation insurance plans cover those who are injured at work. The insurance can cover in-person appointments at our clinics or telehealth visits. We also accept most personal health insurance plans for non-work related injuries.

If health is important to you or your employer then feel free to call us to learn more!

Advanced Medical of Florida provides you with the medical care you need.  For more information, go to our web site or call (727) 408-5222.