Acupuncture is a safe, minimally-invasive, and drug-free treatment that involves inserting sterile, disposable needles in specific points on the body.
We can also perform acustimulation, which amplifies the effects of acupuncture by connecting the needles to an electrical stimulation device. This allows for deeper stimulation of acupuncture points. It feels similar to the electrical stimulation used in a TENS unit; it is just as safe, but more specific to the area being treated.
Finally, we can perform dry needling, where the needles are inserted directly into trigger points. The needles are then manipulated to release scar tissue at the trigger point.
There are many benefits to receiving acupuncture or dry needling, such as pain relief, decreased inflammation, increased range of motion, decreased muscle tightness or spasms, improved sleep quality, stress relief, and increased ability to perform activities of daily living.
What are the indications and common diagnoses treated by acupuncture?
We offer a FREE Consultation which provides a great opportunity to receive a complimentary assessment and get your questions answered before trying this treatment.
Advanced Medical of Florida provides you with the medical care you need. For more information, go to our web site or call (727) 408-5222.